Sunday, October 24, 2021

God Does Not Seek Perfection (Parasha Lekh Lekha)


Last week the lawmakers in the United Kingdom banned the use of botox-style injections and lip fillers for anyone under the age of 18. Government estimates showed that there were over 41,000 non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed on under 18 year olds last year. The pursuit of beauty has accelerated world-wide under the influence of social media. Teenage girls and boys seek to emulate the “look” of celebrity or influencer teenagers they constantly see on Instagram or TikTok. Young people by the thousands worldwide seek to change lips, cheeks, jaws, chins, noses, foreheads, as well as other body parts leaving many emotionally and physically scarred by botched procedures performed by  un-trained and/ or poorly trained and unlicensed “beauty technicians.”  


This often obsessive wish to change one’s appearance  has its roots in  self-insecurities, poor self-esteem, envy and the illusion to get the acceptance, love and  attention missing in their lives..  Many Teens want to have what they see and truly believe others have. Of course, insecurities, envy and jealousy are not emotions that only teenagers experience. “Facebook envy” is a term that has been used to describe “the painful feeling one gets when people feel that other people's lives on Facebook are more interesting, joyful, and worthwhile than theirs.” In a study of Facebook users, one in three reported feeling worse after going to the website and more disappointed in their own lives. 


 Since the beginning of history human beings have known that  envy and jealousy are powerful emotions that can lead to self-destructive behaviors  These emotions can also lead not only to self-harm but to mistreatment of and violence toward others. The first murder in human history of Abel by his brother Cain was brought about by envy. Both brothers made offerings to G-d. Abel’s offering was accepted by G-d, but Cain’s offering was rejected. Envious of the favor shown to his brother by G-d, Cain rose up and killed Abel. 


 We find another such example in this week’s Torah portion. Here we find Sarah and Abraham childless at an advanced age. Sarah has a maidservant named Hagar. She suggests that Abraham might have a child with her, who Sarah and Abraham could then adopt and raise as their own. Abraham agrees to the arrangement, but as soon as Hagar conceives, Sarah regrets her decision. Sarah perceives a shift in Hagar’s relationship with her. Perhaps empowered by the fact that she is carrying Abraham’s child, Sarah feels a lack of respect from Hagar. Feeling diminished and jealous of Hagar’s ability to have a child when she could not, Sarah mistreats Hagar. One of the characteristics of envy is not only wishing we can have what others have, but also desiring that what we do not have others do not have either. Thus, Jewish legend holds that Sarah cast an evil eye on Hagar and Hagar miscarried! 


You may think that imputing such emotions as jealousy and envy to such a saintly figure as “Sarah Imanu”, Sarah, our mother, would be an act of impudence and impiety. But the Torah does not hide the moral blemishes of its heroes. The founder of Modern Orthodox Judaism, the 19th century Rabbi Samson Rafael Hirsch notes that the Torah does not attempt to hide from us the faults, errors and weaknesses of our great men and women. When we read their stories, we can identify with them precisely because they are not perfect. The fact that we are told about their faults and weaknesses does not detract from our appreciation, even reverence of them. Indeed, it adds to their stature and makes their life stories even more instructive. Had they all been portrayed to us as models of perfection we would have believed that they were born that way and therefore were divine beings beyond our capacity to emulate.  Had they been presented to us free of human passions and inner conflicts, their nature would seem to us merely the result of their good fortune or genetics, not a product of their personal growth and certainly no model we could ever hope to aspire to.


Thus, we ought not feel shame or embarrassment when we find ourselves envious or jealous of the good fortune of others. We should remember that even an exalted and revered figure as Sarah imenu could not only experience this emotion but temporarily allow it to govern her behavior. Like Sarah, we need to be aware that jealousy and envy could lead us to make poor decisions that hurt ourselves or others. 


Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, z’l’ writes, “No religion has held a higher view of humanity than the Book that tells us we are each in the image and likeness of God. Yet none has been more honest about the failings of even the greatest. God does not ask us to be perfect. He asks us, instead, to take risks in pursuit of the right and the good, and to acknowledge the mistakes we will inevitably make.”

Shabbat Shalom


Parasha Bereisheet The Eyes Have It!



In the Book of Kings G-d appears to King Solomon in a dream. Solomon, then a young man, has just ascended to the throne of Israel following the death of his father, King David. In this dream, G-d asks Solomon what G-d can give him. Solomon  tells G_D  that he is just a youth with the awesome responsibility of leading the great nation of Israel. Solomon could have asked G-d for anything -- victory over Israel’s enemies, great wealth for himself, a long life,   Instead he asked , for “a listening heart” -- a “lev shomeah” -- with which to govern and to guide him to know right from wrong. It is a reminder that “listening” is not only  about hearing,  -- it also requires the heart. 


Throughout the Book of Deuteronomy, which we completed Tuesday night, Moses implores the Israelites to “listen”, to “take to heart”  the words of G-d. It’s only when the Israelites do so that they might learn the lessons of the Torah and thereby prosper in the land they are about to enter.  This Shabbat we begin reading the Torah again from the beginning with the Book of Genesis. The Book of Deuteronomy concludes with the word “Yisrael”. The Book of Genesis begins with the word “Beraisheet”. If we take the final letter of the word “Yisrael ישׂראל and the first letter of the word “Beraisheet” ראשׁית we have the letters “lamed ל and “bet” ב -- the word for “heart”   לב. This teaches us that it is not sufficient to merely “hear” the words of Torah, we must “take them to heart”. Words of Torah cannot “go in one ear and out another” but rather must become part of us. It is in this way that they help us to develop our character and guide our behavior. 


Whereas the Book of Deuteronomy implores us to “listen” the most important sense used in the Book of Genesis is related to “seeing”. When the Book of Genesis opens, there is only darkness. The first thing that G-d creates is “light”. According to the Zohar, the book of Jewish mysticism, by this light one could see from one end of the world to the other and see by the light of wisdom everything that was and will be. This special kind of light is not for our world, however. It is stored away, awaiting the righteous in the World to Come. 


This emphasis on “seeing” continues in the story of the Garden of Eden. G-d plants   trees in the Garden of Eden that are “nechmad lemareh”,   נחמד למראהpleasant to the sight”. Adam and Eve can eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except from the tree planted in the center of the garden. A serpent says to Eve, “Did G-d really tell you not to eat of any tree of the garden?” Eve replies that it is only from the fruit of one tree that they cannot eat, lest they die. The serpent continues, referring to “sight” four times in two verses:  


“You are not going to die but G-d knows that as soon as you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like divine beings who know good from bad. When the woman saw that the tree was good for eating and a delight for the eyes and that the tree was desirable as a source of wisdom, she took of its fruit and ate. She gave some to her husband and he ate. Then the eyes of both of them were opened and they perceived they were naked.” 


There are two kinds of “seeing” described in these verses. The first is physically seeing something that is beautiful, desirable, aesthetically pleasing, and physically attractive. This describes the tree and its fruit. The second -- opening of the eyes -- refers to wisdom, understanding, knowledge and clarity. Eve “saw” a beautiful tree. After eating the fruit of that tree, Adam and Eve “saw” that they were naked. 


The connection between light, eyes and knowledge is shown in the well-known phrase from our prayers “Ve ha-er Enenu Betoratecha” -- Enlighten our eyes with Your Torah. Light is a metaphor for clarity, for openness, for understanding. 


Our children also learn by seeing. They continuously watch us, for better or worse. We may think they are not looking, but they are soaking up everything we do. I leave you with this poem by an unknown author:


When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you make my favorite cake just for me, and I knew that little things are special things.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I heard you say a prayer, and I believed there is a God I could always talk to.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I felt you kiss me good night, and I felt loved.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw tears come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it’s all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw that you cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn’t looking, I looked…and wanted to say thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn’t looking.

Photo by Renns Art on Unsplash